Lesson № 14 My path to health Quizzes


God, give me enough wisdom and strength to observe Your laws of health for my own good!



1. What food was originally intended for humans? (Genesis 1: 29)
vegetable food and meat
only plant food (fruits, vegetables, nuts)
vegetable food and meat of certain animals
2. What instructions did God leave for man regarding the consumption of meat and fish? (Leviticus 11)
we can eat meat only of those animals that meet certain criteria
we can eat all kinds of meat and fish
we can eat any food, the main thing is to pray before taking it
3. What is the role of movement and work in a person's life (Psalm 103: 23; 127:2; Proverbs 21:25; 31:10, 13; Ecclesiastes 5: 11, 18; Exodus 20: 8-11)
we should not care about the physical condition of our body
God calls us to work in moderation and to rest properly
a person should work day and night, without being distracted by rest
4. Is it necessary to abstain from alcoholic beverages? (Proverbs 20: 1; 21:17; Habakkuk 2: 15; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5: 18; Isaiah 28: 7)
yes, because they lead a person to misery
no, if you know the sense of proportion
no, Jesus also consumed alcoholic beverages
6. Is it necessary to abstain from smoking? (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17; 10:31; Exodus 20:13)
no, it does not matter whether we smoke or not, because on the last day we will be transformed, the main thing is to be a good person
no, smoking is useful, in ancient times it helped to cure various diseases
yes, it destroys our body and is a violation of God's law

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Lesson № 14 My path to health - Quizzes


God, give me enough wisdom and strength to observe Your laws of health for my own good!



1. What food was originally intended for humans? (Genesis 1: 29)
vegetable food and meat
only plant food (fruits, vegetables, nuts)
vegetable food and meat of certain animals
2. What instructions did God leave for man regarding the consumption of meat and fish? (Leviticus 11)
we can eat meat only of those animals that meet certain criteria
we can eat all kinds of meat and fish
we can eat any food, the main thing is to pray before taking it
3. What is the role of movement and work in a person's life (Psalm 103: 23; 127:2; Proverbs 21:25; 31:10, 13; Ecclesiastes 5: 11, 18; Exodus 20: 8-11)
we should not care about the physical condition of our body
God calls us to work in moderation and to rest properly
a person should work day and night, without being distracted by rest
4. Is it necessary to abstain from alcoholic beverages? (Proverbs 20: 1; 21:17; Habakkuk 2: 15; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5: 18; Isaiah 28: 7)
yes, because they lead a person to misery
no, if you know the sense of proportion
no, Jesus also consumed alcoholic beverages
6. Is it necessary to abstain from smoking? (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17; 10:31; Exodus 20:13)
no, it does not matter whether we smoke or not, because on the last day we will be transformed, the main thing is to be a good person
no, smoking is useful, in ancient times it helped to cure various diseases
yes, it destroys our body and is a violation of God's law
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