Lesson № 14 My path to health Work and recreation

Work and recreation 



From the very beginning, before the fall, God commanded people to work (Genesis 2: 15). Later, many prophets and apostles repeatedly spoke about the need for physical labor as an integral part of human life (Psalm 89:10; 2 Thessalonians 3:10).


This is due to the fact that to maintain the performance of all the joints and organs of the body, a person needs movement. Observing a person who is forced to lie on a bed for a long time or not use an arm or leg, as a result, we will soon be able to see bedsores and atrophy.

In our age, people often have a sedentary job, so they need physical exercise to maintain their health. At the same time, moderation is important, because the body can be harmed by over zealous even in something useful. So, do not expect benefits, dragging all day unbearable weights, spending all day undressed in the bright sun or eating a bucket of useful carrots... And, of course, a person needs rest, so the Lord included in His wise law the commandment of Sabbath rest (Deuteronomy 5: 12-14)


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Lesson № 14 My path to health - Work and recreation

Work and recreation 



From the very beginning, before the fall, God commanded people to work (Genesis 2: 15). Later, many prophets and apostles repeatedly spoke about the need for physical labor as an integral part of human life (Psalm 89:10; 2 Thessalonians 3:10).


This is due to the fact that to maintain the performance of all the joints and organs of the body, a person needs movement. Observing a person who is forced to lie on a bed for a long time or not use an arm or leg, as a result, we will soon be able to see bedsores and atrophy.

In our age, people often have a sedentary job, so they need physical exercise to maintain their health. At the same time, moderation is important, because the body can be harmed by over zealous even in something useful. So, do not expect benefits, dragging all day unbearable weights, spending all day undressed in the bright sun or eating a bucket of useful carrots... And, of course, a person needs rest, so the Lord included in His wise law the commandment of Sabbath rest (Deuteronomy 5: 12-14)


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