Lesson № 6 If I deserve forgiveness? Quizzes



I am grateful to You, God, that by faith in Jesus Christ that all my sins can be forgiven!



1. Why are we sure of complete forgiveness of sins? (1 Peter 2: 24)
because it is not our fault that the earth is afflicted with sin
we cannot be sure of it
because God Himself made a sacrifice for us so that we would be delivered from our sins
2. What is the price of forgiveness of sins? (Romans 3: 24) (Ephesians 1:7)
sacrifice of Jesus Christ
our death
daily animal sacrifices
3. What kind of feeling should a person be imbued with? (Proverbs 28: 13; Luke 18:10-14)
pride for good deeds
awareness of sin and humility
hopelessness and hopelessness
4.To whom is it necessary to confess a sin? (Malachi 1:9; Isaiah 55: 7; Philippians 4:6; Romans 9:16)
to the priest
to the saints
to God and the person who was offended
5. Do I need to apologize to the offended person? (Leviticus 6: 4,5)
yes, it is important to ask for forgiveness and try to make amends
not necessarily, the main thing is to ask God for forgiveness
6. How completely does God forgive? (Micah 7: 18, 19; Psalm 102:12)
God never forgives heavy sins
Нe blots out and forgives all our sins
It depends on the person, to some God is ready to forgive a sin, and to others-not

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Lesson № 6 If I deserve forgiveness? - Quizzes



I am grateful to You, God, that by faith in Jesus Christ that all my sins can be forgiven!



1. Why are we sure of complete forgiveness of sins? (1 Peter 2: 24)
because it is not our fault that the earth is afflicted with sin
we cannot be sure of it
because God Himself made a sacrifice for us so that we would be delivered from our sins
2. What is the price of forgiveness of sins? (Romans 3: 24) (Ephesians 1:7)
sacrifice of Jesus Christ
our death
daily animal sacrifices
3. What kind of feeling should a person be imbued with? (Proverbs 28: 13; Luke 18:10-14)
pride for good deeds
awareness of sin and humility
hopelessness and hopelessness
4.To whom is it necessary to confess a sin? (Malachi 1:9; Isaiah 55: 7; Philippians 4:6; Romans 9:16)
to the priest
to the saints
to God and the person who was offended
5. Do I need to apologize to the offended person? (Leviticus 6: 4,5)
yes, it is important to ask for forgiveness and try to make amends
not necessarily, the main thing is to ask God for forgiveness
6. How completely does God forgive? (Micah 7: 18, 19; Psalm 102:12)
God never forgives heavy sins
Нe blots out and forgives all our sins
It depends on the person, to some God is ready to forgive a sin, and to others-not
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