Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father What do we need to do for God to protect and accept us ?

What do we need to do for God to protect and accept us ?



  • Seek Him with all your heart (Psalm 41:2)
  • Keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12: 13; Psalm 18: 8-12).
  • Serve God and honor Him (Matthew 6: 24, 33).
  • Know the Lord and love Him with all our hearts (Matthew 22: 37).
  • Obey God is all that He asks of us. We can benefit in many ways.   (Psalm 1: 1-6; Deuteronomy 7:9-15)

Why do I need God?



The reason for man's misery and suffering is that he has withdrawn from God. The Prophet Jeremiah, in the name of the Lord, says of this tragedy: "For my people have done two evils: They have forsaken me, the fountain of living water, and have hewn for themselves broken cisterns that cannot hold water" (Jeremiah 2:13). The only correct solution is to return to God.

N. V. Gogol wrote: "I have come to the One Who is the source of life… God is light, and therefore we must strive for light."

B. Pascal, a scientist, came to the conclusion: "The Gospel gives a person comfort, in whatever situation, in whatever conditions he may be ... Without the teaching of Christ, a person will have vices and disasters, delusions, darkness, despair, death”.

Many do not believe in God.



The Psalmist declares from the pages of the Bible: "The madman has said in his heart, 'There is no God' "(Psalm 13: 1). Today, a common stereotype is that scientists do not believe in God. In fact, many well-known scientists are sincerely religious people.

M. Born, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, said to his colleagues: "Many scientists believe in God."


I. Newton wrote: "The admirable order of the Sun, the planets, and the comets could not have arisen otherwise than by the plan and design of the All-powerful."


A. Einstein said: "I believe in God... Science without religion is inconclusive, religion without science is blind."


M. Planck, the founder of quantum theory, stated: "In essence, science and religion are not opposed to each other, on the contrary, for every person with serious intentions, they serve as a mutual complement."



Do you believe that God exists and loves you as a loving and caring father?


Next videos

Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures

Is the Bible an inspired book or a historical book?

Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures

What is the benefit of studying the Bible?

Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father


Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father


Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father

If God exists?

Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father

What do we need to do for God to protect and accept us ?

Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father


Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father


Lesson № 3 Where do the troubles come from?


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Where did Satan come from?

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How to deal with sin?

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Lesson № 3 Where do the troubles come from?


Lesson № 4 God hears you


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What type of prayers exist?

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How often should I pray?

Lesson № 4 God hears you


Lesson № 4 God hears you


Lesson № 4 God hears you


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What is God’s plan?

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What is life with Christ?

Lesson № 5 What does the future hold for me?


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Will there be a trial?

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What is death?

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Is it possible to communicate with the dead?

Lesson № 12 If dead people are alive?


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What is church?

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Alcohol and tobacco

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Do I need to make other donations?

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What is a new creation?

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Healthy lifestyle

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Spiritual life

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Lesson № 18 Are you ready to follow Jessus?


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My promise to God

Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father - What do we need to do for God to protect and accept us ?

What do we need to do for God to protect and accept us ?



  • Seek Him with all your heart (Psalm 41:2)
  • Keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12: 13; Psalm 18: 8-12).
  • Serve God and honor Him (Matthew 6: 24, 33).
  • Know the Lord and love Him with all our hearts (Matthew 22: 37).
  • Obey God is all that He asks of us. We can benefit in many ways.   (Psalm 1: 1-6; Deuteronomy 7:9-15)

Why do I need God?



The reason for man's misery and suffering is that he has withdrawn from God. The Prophet Jeremiah, in the name of the Lord, says of this tragedy: "For my people have done two evils: They have forsaken me, the fountain of living water, and have hewn for themselves broken cisterns that cannot hold water" (Jeremiah 2:13). The only correct solution is to return to God.

N. V. Gogol wrote: "I have come to the One Who is the source of life… God is light, and therefore we must strive for light."

B. Pascal, a scientist, came to the conclusion: "The Gospel gives a person comfort, in whatever situation, in whatever conditions he may be ... Without the teaching of Christ, a person will have vices and disasters, delusions, darkness, despair, death”.

Many do not believe in God.



The Psalmist declares from the pages of the Bible: "The madman has said in his heart, 'There is no God' "(Psalm 13: 1). Today, a common stereotype is that scientists do not believe in God. In fact, many well-known scientists are sincerely religious people.

M. Born, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, said to his colleagues: "Many scientists believe in God."


I. Newton wrote: "The admirable order of the Sun, the planets, and the comets could not have arisen otherwise than by the plan and design of the All-powerful."


A. Einstein said: "I believe in God... Science without religion is inconclusive, religion without science is blind."


M. Planck, the founder of quantum theory, stated: "In essence, science and religion are not opposed to each other, on the contrary, for every person with serious intentions, they serve as a mutual complement."



Do you believe that God exists and loves you as a loving and caring father?


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