Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures What is the benefit of studying the Bible?

What is the benefit of studying the Bible? 

  • The Bible has the power to change lives (Hebrews 4:12)
  • It helps young and old people (Psalm 199:9, Psalm 91:15)
  • It helps to grow spiritually (1 Peter 2:2)
  • It promotes spiritual renewal (1 Peter 1:23)
  • It ennobles the character (1 Corinthians  6:11)
  • Through the Bible reading we become partakers of the divine nature of God (2 Peter 1:4)

For those reasons, it is important that every person study the Bible and follows what it says (John 5:24)


What did great people say about the Bible?


Isaac Newton, scientist: "The Bible contains more signs of authenticity than the whole secular history."


L. N. Tolstoy: "The moral development of a person or a child is impossible without reading the Bible."


F. M. Dostoevsky: "My God! What a book this Holy Scripture is, what a miracle and what a power given to man with it!..  without  God's Word it is the destruction of the people."


V. I. Belinsky: "There is a book in which everything is said, everything is decided, after which there is no doubt about anything, an immortal, holy book, a book of eternal truth, eternal life."


A. S. Pushkin: "The Holy Scripture, no matter how much you reread it, the more you are imbued with it, the more everything is illuminated and expanded."


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Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures

Is the Bible an inspired book or a historical book?

Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures

What is the benefit of studying the Bible?

Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures


Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father


Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father


Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father

If God exists?

Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father

What do we need to do for God to protect and accept us ?

Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father


Lesson № 2 Alive and adoring Father


Lesson № 3 Where do the troubles come from?


Lesson № 3 Where do the troubles come from?

Where did Satan come from?

Lesson № 3 Where do the troubles come from?

How to deal with sin?

Lesson № 3 Where do the troubles come from?


Lesson № 3 Where do the troubles come from?


Lesson № 4 God hears you


Lesson № 4 God hears you

What type of prayers exist?

Lesson № 4 God hears you

How often should I pray?

Lesson № 4 God hears you


Lesson № 4 God hears you


Lesson № 4 God hears you


Lesson № 5 What does the future hold for me?


Lesson № 5 What does the future hold for me?

What is God’s plan?

Lesson № 5 What does the future hold for me?

What is life with Christ?

Lesson № 5 What does the future hold for me?


Lesson № 5 What does the future hold for me?


Lesson № 6 If I deserve forgiveness?


Lesson № 6 If I deserve forgiveness?

How to earn your forgiveness?

Lesson № 6 If I deserve forgiveness?

What are the steps to get forgiveness?

Lesson № 6 If I deserve forgiveness?

What is an excuse?

Lesson № 6 If I deserve forgiveness?


Lesson № 6 If I deserve forgiveness?


Lesson № 7 TIme Is running out


Lesson № 7 TIme Is running out

What is the significance of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?

Lesson № 7 TIme Is running out

How will Jesus come?

Lesson № 7 TIme Is running out


Lesson № 7 TIme Is running out


Lesson № 8 Signs of the Second Coming


Lesson № 8 Signs of the Second Coming

What does the Bible tell us about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?

Lesson № 8 Signs of the Second Coming

What signs will there be in the world?

Lesson № 8 Signs of the Second Coming


Lesson № 8 Signs of the Second Coming


Lesson № 9 Heavenly Constitution


Lesson № 9 Heavenly Constitution

What did Jesus and the apostles say about God's law?

Lesson № 9 Heavenly Constitution

The are the tablets?

Lesson № 9 Heavenly Constitution

What is the Heavenly Constitution?

Lesson № 9 Heavenly Constitution


Lesson № 9 Heavenly Constitution


Lesson № 10 A significant day


Lesson № 10 A significant day

What day did the Lord sanctify and bless?

Lesson № 10 A significant day

Why is the Sabbath the Lord's day?

Lesson № 10 A significant day

How to properly observe the Sabbath?

Lesson № 10 A significant day


Lesson № 10 A significant day


Lesson № 11 Will there be a trial?


Lesson № 11 Will there be a trial?

Will there be a trial?

Lesson № 11 Will there be a trial?

Who can be saved?

Lesson № 11 Will there be a trial?


Lesson № 11 Will there be a trial?


Lesson № 12 If dead people are alive?


Lesson № 12 If dead people are alive?

What is death?

Lesson № 12 If dead people are alive?

Is it possible to communicate with the dead?

Lesson № 12 If dead people are alive?


Lesson № 12 If dead people are alive?


Lesson № 13 Is it necessary to go to the church?


Lesson № 13 Is it necessary to go to the church?

What is church?

Lesson № 13 Is it necessary to go to the church?

When did the retreat begin?

Lesson № 13 Is it necessary to go to the church?

Do I need to attend church?

Lesson № 13 Is it necessary to go to the church?


Lesson № 13 Is it necessary to go to the church?


Lesson № 14 My path to health


Lesson № 14 My path to health


Lesson № 14 My path to health

Alcohol and tobacco

Lesson № 14 My path to health

Work and recreation

Lesson № 14 My path to health

What does the Bible recommend?

Lesson № 14 My path to health


Lesson № 14 My path to health


Lesson № 15 About God's money in my wallet


Lesson № 15 About God's money in my wallet

Does everything belong to God?

Lesson № 15 About God's money in my wallet

Is it important to tithe?

Lesson № 15 About God's money in my wallet

Do I need to make other donations?

Lesson № 15 About God's money in my wallet


Lesson № 15 About God's money in my wallet


Lesson № 16 How to become a new person?


Lesson № 16 How to become a new person?

What is a new creation?

Lesson № 16 How to become a new person?

Healthy lifestyle

Lesson № 16 How to become a new person?

Spiritual life

Lesson № 16 How to become a new person?

Is it easy to be a new creation?

Lesson № 16 How to become a new person?


Lesson № 16 How to become a new person?


Lesson № 17 What does the Bible say about baptism


Lesson № 17 What does the Bible say about baptism

What is baptism?

Lesson № 17 What does the Bible say about baptism

Who can be baptized?

Lesson № 17 What does the Bible say about baptism


Lesson № 17 What does the Bible say about baptism


Lesson № 18 Are you ready to follow Jessus?


Lesson № 18 Are you ready to follow Jessus?

What has God done for us?

Lesson № 18 Are you ready to follow Jessus?

What does Jesus expect of us?

Lesson № 18 Are you ready to follow Jessus?


Lesson № 18 Are you ready to follow Jessus?

My promise to God

Lesson № 1 Forgotten treasures - What is the benefit of studying the Bible?

What is the benefit of studying the Bible? 

  • The Bible has the power to change lives (Hebrews 4:12)
  • It helps young and old people (Psalm 199:9, Psalm 91:15)
  • It helps to grow spiritually (1 Peter 2:2)
  • It promotes spiritual renewal (1 Peter 1:23)
  • It ennobles the character (1 Corinthians  6:11)
  • Through the Bible reading we become partakers of the divine nature of God (2 Peter 1:4)

For those reasons, it is important that every person study the Bible and follows what it says (John 5:24)


What did great people say about the Bible?


Isaac Newton, scientist: "The Bible contains more signs of authenticity than the whole secular history."


L. N. Tolstoy: "The moral development of a person or a child is impossible without reading the Bible."


F. M. Dostoevsky: "My God! What a book this Holy Scripture is, what a miracle and what a power given to man with it!..  without  God's Word it is the destruction of the people."


V. I. Belinsky: "There is a book in which everything is said, everything is decided, after which there is no doubt about anything, an immortal, holy book, a book of eternal truth, eternal life."


A. S. Pushkin: "The Holy Scripture, no matter how much you reread it, the more you are imbued with it, the more everything is illuminated and expanded."


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